A primary reason why mediation is the chosen resolution method for many couples is cost. It is no secret that litigation is often very expensive and has the effect of draining the family assets more quickly than other methods. If a couple can work collaboratively, mediation can save a significant amount of money, leaving a larger pot of assets for the couple to share.

Mediation fees are shared by the parties.

My fee for mediation is $450.00 per hour. A retainer of $4500.00 is credited toward the cost of a full-day mediation, or $2700.00 for a half-day mediation

An opening fee of $500 covers the cost of the preliminary steps to the mediation including the initial intake meeting.

If Mediation is Unsuccessful, Arbitration Can be Helpful

If you are not able to resolve your dispute through mediation, you can choose to have the dispute arbitrated by me in private arbitration instead of going to court. Arbitration is a private process in which the parties agree to abide by the decision of the arbitrator, rather than seeking a resolution through traditional litigation.

Setting the arbitration fees depends on the complexity of the arbitration.

For More Information About Mediations Fees or to Arrange a Meeting or Consultation, Contact Us

Please contact Victoria Frias to schedule a mediation appointment with Oren Weinberg Mediator Services. Contact Victoria by phone at 647-494-0113 ext. 104 or by email. An email will be sent to counsel or the self-represented parties with my mediation agreement as well as an intake form.